Friday, November 12, 2010

I wanna loose weight but have very little motivation?

I work at McDonald's on my feet the entire shift 5 days out of the week. They offer us a free meal on our 20/30 minute break. I try to eat the smallest amount of calories.... but still I know! There are only like 2 people that bring their lunch and I'm nervous to bring my food in because I don't wanna be the dork with the lunch box? I can't not eat either because it's the first meal of the day for me and I'm usually so hungry by then. So after my work day my feet hurt by the time I get home and I lack the motivation to get on my treadmill. I live at home and it's not an option to workout before I go to wok because that would be at like 4 in the morning when the house is dead silent. I've cut pop down to maybe 3 a week and I've been drinking a lot of water. I've cut down on how much I eat out. If my parent don't cook or make something that isn't fried I eat a lean cuisine for dinner or make something myself. I know I'm addicted to food. I know I have a problem and I want to fix it. I don't wanna be the fat girl anymore. I am not an ugly person I'm just overweight. I want to be happy in my own skin again. I can't quit my job it won't fix the problem. I'm 21 years old. I'm 5 feet exact and I weight 225 give or take. It changes but not very much. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please don't be rude. Thanks.I wanna loose weight but have very little motivation?
My Mom use to say ';my apistat is broken.'; I say, '; I am on a see-food diet. I see food...I eat it.'; It's not easy, but it can be done once you get started on a plan.

You have a tough job at McDonald's and not a lot of support at home if your family often prepares fried foods. It would be helpful if we knew what your job hours were and what you like to do when you are not working.

You weigh 225 and would like to lose 10 pounds. Right? ';No,'; you will probably say, ';I want to lose 100 pounds.'; Well, this feels overwhelming, especially if you want it to be gone by yesterday. Think in terms of two pounds at a time and plan on two years, That sounds like a long time when you want to be ';happy in your own skin'; now, but you will feel better every month.

(1) When I need to drop 10 pounds, I begin with keeping a ';food/mood/activity'; journal. I am a snacker so it is easy for me to overlook those 10 jellybeans. I can't if I am recording everything that passes through my lips...even gum.

(2) I follow a diabetic diet because it keeps my blood sugar at a more constant level all day. If I get tired, I am more apt to ';pig out'; on some quick-energy food

(3) At the end of the day, I review the journal. I look at what and when I ate. I also look at how my mood affected my eating patterns. I count the calories and look to see where I can make changes if I went over what is recommended for someone of my height and weight. For example, I may eat the hamburger or chicken but not the bread.

(4) To increase activity, I park a distance away from my work if it is during the daylight hours. I take the stairs whenever possible and take more frequent short walks.I find that stretching perks me up more than food when I am tired.

(5) Find a friend who also wants to lose 10 pounds. Get together after work, change your shoes to some comfortable ones and walk somewhere.

(6) NO POP or juices.unless they are diet. They are like sugar on a spoon. I drink club soda with a lemon or even diet tonic water.

For me, small meals throughout the day work better than three larger meals. Check out from the library a book on diabetes and learn about food groups and try a 1000-1500 calorie food plan.

Lastly, remember beauty comes from the inside and happiness is a choice. You sound like you are a people person and people like you are fun to be around. Good luck and keep us up-to-dateI wanna loose weight but have very little motivation?
wow, would you rather be fat or be the dork with the lunch box?

there are priorities you need to sort out.

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