I looked up and used this site for my knives. I think they turned out pretty good. Sharper then they were, but not sure if they could have been sharper! There are pictures/diagrams on the website. Good luck, hope this helps out.
Also, if your really wanting to get into the mechanics/science of it. here is An AWESOME web site! http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?show鈥?/a>
Using a Sharpening Steel
STEP 1: Hold the steel - a metal rod designed for sharpening knives - in one hand.
STEP 2: With the other hand, hold the knife by its handle.
STEP 3: Place the knife just under the handle of the steel, with the knife handle touching the bottom of the steel handle.
STEP 4: With the knife at a 10- to 25-degree angle to the steel, hold the steel rod steady and draw the knife blade down the steel.
STEP 5: Repeat several times until the entire cutting surface of the knife has been drawn across the steel on both sides of the blade.
Using a Sharpening Stone
STEP 1: Use a wet or dry sharpening stone.
STEP 2: Place the stone flat on a stable surface.
STEP 3: Holding the knife by its handle, put the blade at a 10- to 25-degree angle to the stone.
STEP 4: Draw the knife toward you and across the stone. STEP 5: Repeat process on the other side of the blade.How do you sharpen cooking knives?
The directions for using the steel were clear, concise, and created a perfect visual picture in my mind of the sharpening process. Thanks.
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Technically, you have to send off you knives to be sharpened by the manufactured. The steel and the stone are used for nothing but ';honing'; the knife, which means just straigtening out the blade. Refer to honing for more information about what you did to your knife. Good Luck.
They have something that would be useful for sharpening knives out there that would be useful. I have included a link so you know what they look like when you go shopping for them, or if you want to buy them online:
use any metal alloy
I always wondered that myself. Well, you can always use your wrists.
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