Friday, November 12, 2010

Thailand-I was a missionary there for a while. Any bad or good experiences to share?

My worst was monkey ball soup and rat rolled up with hot peppers in a large green leaf for my 18th birthday party.

My best experience was holy communion at the refugee camp with baked bread and the drink was bottled for the missionaries for health concerns. All of their water at the time had parasites floating in it that you could see. They were having a fresh water supply being installed by missionaries with a small baby. There was also a leprosy camp where they make quilts to support themselves. The quilts were amazing. The leprosy had to be the worst physical problem that I have ever seen. The experience changed my life. I was only 18 years old.

I played with two toddlers that were naked and only had a brick as a toy. I talked in Thai to a very elderly woman who cooked in a wok on a sidewalk to provide for her food and shelter day by day. When I walked away after receiving a hug and a kiss, she was beaming with a sweet smile. Living in the inner city in Houston, TX later was almost the same. On the weekend, especially Friday nights---I could see from the upper floor windows open pit cooking of some kind of animal that I never was sure what it was. You always kept your pet with you or they would eat it. Survival with illegal aliens everywhere with 25 people in one small house is almost like a refugee camp when you see how they live for three years. I lived thru both, and learned survival. I had to learn martial arts as a young fair skinned blonde -the only one around-living alone for awhile. I am just a preacher's kid from Mississippi and Memphis that was startled to see the real world of survival.

Any experiences out there?

What food have you seen people eat to survive?

What have you eaten?

I have eaten a lot of pineapple and cooked rice(not cooked maggots!).

One night in the emergency room in the largest charity hospital in Houston,TX with hundreds of illegal aliens where the man next to me had a broken arm where his bone at the elbow to his wrist was sticking straight up out of his flesh---where he waited over 7 hours for his turn. Then, I was after him. The layers of filth on his skin where innumerable. I am not preaching about illegal aliens, I am just sharing what I lived for three years here in the USA. It was like the twilight zone. I sure am thankful now for health insurance. I was without for a short period after COBRA after a divorce. I am sure there are many experiences for women especially out there with health insurance problems after COBRA runs out. And COBRA isn't free, you still have premiums. However, no insurance opened up a world to me of what people do just to survive bad health issues and especially pregnancy...

Please share your experiences!.........Thailand-I was a missionary there for a while. Any bad or good experiences to share?
Is this your life story your writing here? What does COBRA has to do with Thailand. How about cooked rice and illegal aliens in Houston, TX. This sounds more like a women issue then something for a Thai travel category. I think you may have too much free time on your hands. But this is a sad story I think I am about to cry. Excuse me.Thailand-I was a missionary there for a while. Any bad or good experiences to share?
I live here - daily life type stuff - - there are not tragedies from awful things every minute... I would certainly rather be here than Houston - - I live in the countryside, have a lovely family - sure, there are stories, but mostly good ones - - if this is abt food?????? well, we eat alot of fruits and veges grown on our property... sorry for the good news..
some people clearly should stop booshiting and go get a real life.
';His doctor refuses to write a prescription for his insomnia and instead suggests that he visit a support group for testicular cancer victims in order to appreciate real suffering. By attending the group, the narrator feels distraught at the condition of these ill fated people and breaks down. He is then able to sleep soundly and subsequently fakes more illnesses so he can attend other support groups in order to get out his pent up emotions through crying.'; Fight Club

I once ate some bad clams. Prefer dog.
Been a missionary many times in Thailand ! 555
Seriously, I think you miss the country. Come back here for a visit. It still as great as ever and pretty much in need of tourists at the moment because the screw up at the airport sometimes ago. Oddly, the present foreign minister gave the first interview to a Japanese journalist that he and his wife enjoy the demonstration at the airport with PAD as the foods and music were good.

Do come back.
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